Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last days in MN

As you all know, Ben and I were very sad to leave all of our amazing pals and family in MN.  Here are some pictures of some of the many fun things we did to say goodbye to MN for a bit.
No summer is complete without at least one trip to the Pizza Farm.  We discussed libertarianism and Girls Just Want to Have Fun after a brief dip in the cold Mississippi.
I am luckily to have two terrific grandparents in my life.
Ben's parents hosted a going away party for us complete with grilling,
a baby/toddler and parents picnic,
and a rousing game of freestyle frisbee.

We also got to enjoy a final book/gourmet club with amazing food prepared by Sheridan.

The trees were nice that night too!

The saddest part of leaving MN is saying goodbye to my nephews.  Leo took it seriously despite his decidely non-serious hat. 

Jasper had a different take.

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