Thursday, July 14, 2011

At home in Albuquerque

Thanks to some nice pals in New Mexico, we were able to rent a small two bedroom house in Albuquerque.  We have an extra room for lots of visitors.

Our house is in the adobe style.  Few houses are still truly adobe in Albuquerque, but many look like they are.

We have a large backyard covered in rocks and dirt (having a lawn is kind of ridiculous in this climate), and we just bought a picnic table off craigslist.  We are looking forward to having some nice meals out here.

The backyard also features this amazing tree that provides a lot of shade, and a nice place for the many neighborhood birds (notice the power line above the tree).

We have a big living room,

a comfy guest room (picture yourself here),

and a spacious uncluttered bedroom.  The best part is the ceiling fan with 3 speed settings.

And a huge eat-in kitchen!

I think it is probably as big as all of the kitchens we have ever had in one.

Here is a beautiful unidentified plant from the front yard.

Because the hiking trails have been closed because of wildfire risk, we have had to do most of our work-outs in the neighborhood.  Here I was channeling my friend Bill by lifting weights in the sun on my back patio.

On the 4th of July, our friend Jessica's parents hosted us in Corrales, a nearby town.  Because of the altitude this one beer was all it took to put me to sleep essentially.

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